Inclusive Washington Therapist
Guiding individuals and families through profound emotional, physical, and life transitions
Chelsea is glad you're looking into therapy. She acknowledges finding a therapist in Seattle is a pain. If you're tired of looking and want to start making changes, schedule a free consultation today.
Finding a Washington Therapist you can trust is HARD!
You feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and tired. You’ve experienced normal changes to your mental, physical, and relational health throughout your life, but this time it’s hitting differently. Although many of these changes have been ‘normal’ it doesn’t mean they’ve always been ‘easy.’ Experiencing strong emotions, loud thoughts, and challenging physical experiences is not for the faint of heart. If you’re part of any marginalized group including being in a fat body, being queer, a person of color, a woman, or all the above make experiences in this world more challenging. As you deal with feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and tired, you know it doesn’t just impact you, but the people you love as well. Not only do you lean on them for support, but they deal with their own emotional, psychological, and social challenges. You’d love for them to feel supported too.
As you navigate living day to day, you’ve come to see the world in a differently. You get angry when places and activities aren’t accessible to you, or when you realize your needs weren’t thought of at all. You get frustrated when people say the wrong thing or don’t know how to act. There are times it’s hard to sleep because you stress about the future. There are other times you break down in tears because you don’t know how you’re going to get through another day. Navigating mental and physical health issues impact how you relate to yourself and other people. You’d love to be better at being kind to yourself, accepting yourself, and advocating for yourself. You’d love for your family and friends to understand your reality and know how to support you.
I provide therapy to individuals and families facing grief, anxiety, and medical trauma, with special focus on acute/chronic illness, reproductive health, and life transitions. Being a Perinatal Mental Health Certified Therapist, much of my work focuses on reproductive mental health, but I work with a variety of individuals and families facing different challenges. Work with clients focuses on collaboration and the promotion of acceptance, psychological flexibility, processing grief, and increasing self-care. Healing occurs in the mind and body as one holistic system. I work with all genders; however, I have a special place in my heart for anti-oppression work with people in fat bodies, queer bodies, people of color, and femme bodies.
If you’re an individual, family, or healthcare professional dealing with grief, anxiety, or trauma, you’re one call away from feeling more peaceful, resilient, and empowered. Schedule a free consultation now. Learn more about my specialties below.
Providing Inclusive Support for Grief, Anxiety, and Trauma in Reproductive and Medical Mental Health. Click below to learn more about how I help.
Photo credit: Jennifer Loomis Photography
Why Working With Me Is Different
A smaller caseload allows me to focus more on your unique needs
LGBTQ+ affirming and inclusive
Health At Every Size® (HAES) and Fat-Positive Provider
Trained Abortion Doula and TFMR Ally
Perinatal Mental Health Certified
Prioritize privacy on top of being HIPAA compliant
Episodic care, let’s get you feeling better and back into your life. You don’t have to be in therapy forever
As an out-of-network provider, I’m able to tailor treatment unique to you, not dictated by a third-party
Over a decade of experience
Systemic, contextual view of your life
Speak directly with me, not a receptionist. Receive frequent and prompt communication when needed.
Flexible access to sessions using online therapy
Resource for the community, even if you decide not to work with me
Signs It’s Time To Start Therapy in Seattle
You are feeling frustrated and don’t know what to do next.
You feel anxious, depressed or fearful.
You’re not getting good sleep.
You’d like to feel better about yourself and your relationships.
You feel overwhelmed with life.
You recently experienced a significant life transition.
You are going through fertility treatments.
You recently experienced pregnancy loss.
You’ve experienced medical trauma.
You’re experiencing the menopause transition.
You’re a healthcare professional dealing with secondary trauma.
You are dealing with an acute or chronic illness or new physical diagnosis.
You’re pregnant and feel stressed, anxious, or sad.
Achieve balance and inner harmony with personalized therapy sessions focused on your wellbeing.